
Elder Justin Corey Lee
Portugal Lisbon Mission
Apartado 40054
1500 Lisbon

Saturday, August 2, 2014

There is a talk titled "Character of Christ." The best talk probably ever given, given on a Sunday Christmas day to the missionaries. I don´t know if they have released it onto the internet yet, but if they have, I want each and every one of you to look and find that talk and listen to it with an open heart. Your life will be blessed, I PROMISE you. 

When Christ walked the earth, he ´turned out when we would have turned in.´  Turning out--putting others needs before your own, such as Christ did when satan was tempting Him, saying, If thou be the Son of God, turn these stones into bread.` And what Christ did, was, he prayed that His friends who were in prison, or in time of trial, would have food, instead of satisfying His own needs.  During this time Christ was fasting, so he was clearly hungry, yet he turned out instead of turning in.   So, turning in--putting your needs in front of others. If you were starving in the middle of the desert, and someone asked for the last crumb while it is in your hand, would you give it up? Turning out is the greatest characteristic in the world, called Charity.

While Elder Bednar was stake president, he got a call early in the morning. The lady that had called him was the relief society president in one of the wards. She was telling him that three young women were in a terrible accident and  they were being taken to a hospital by where President  Bednar lived. (One was pronounced dead). She asked him to go to the hospital and identify the victims. So President Bednar said he would, of course. While talking on the phone with this woman, he realized she also had another phone on her other ear, which was with the nurse who was helping at the scene of the accident. During the talk President Bednar heard the nurse say to the Relief Society President that the young woman who had died was her one and only daughter. She immediately talked to President Bednar that he needed to identify the two other victims and let their mothers know.

This woman was more concerned about the families of these two young women than she was of the death of her only daughter. That is the extent of completely turning out when the natural man would turn in (Mosiah 3:19). Another little story about this amazing women. On her daughters funeral day, she got a complaint (because she was Relief Society President), that this woman hadn´t had any food delivered to her because she had a minor cold. So on her way to her daughter's funeral, she dropped off a meal to this complaining sister. 

I believe this woman has fully developed the Christ-like Attribute of Charity.

I also want you all to search the scriptures searching for the characters of Christ, and don´t ever forget what you learn. :) 

Eu Ama Vocês

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