
Elder Justin Corey Lee
Portugal Lisbon Mission
Apartado 40054
1500 Lisbon

Monday, December 1, 2014

If you haven't noticed already, the church came out with a new message called "He Is The Gift." If you haven't seen it go to and watch that video. This Christmas the church is going world wide with this "initiative." 

Every one of your jobs is to watch the film, and like it on every social media site you have to show the entire world. Also, invite at least one friend specifically to watch this, come to a family night, or go to church with you. The Church believes in Every member a missionary. So do your part. Help the missionaries out. They need every bit of help they can. I am here in Portugal and the only investigators that are progressing have a relationship of some sort with a member. Members are the reason people get baptized NOT the missionaries. 

Please, #ShareTheGift with everyone you possibly can. Share the joy you get from Christmas and being a part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They are your brothers and sisters. This will impact their lives, please help them.

Thank you, Love you all.

Eu sai que Igreja de Jesus Cristo Dos Santos Dos Ùltimos Dias é a igreja do Senhor e por meio do Evangelho do Jesus Cristo, nós podemos voltar e viver com Deus para sempre em Sua presença. Por Favor Ajudemos todos as possoas. Em Nome de Jesus Cristo, Amém.

Com Muito Amor,

Elder Lee

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